How to Rekindle Affection in Your Relationship

Learn how to rekindle affection in your relationship with these tips & ideas. Identify your love language & be more affectionate. Consider couples therapy & professional services for couples.

How to Rekindle Affection in Your Relationship

Identifying your love language is the first step to rekindling affection in your relationship. It's important to be more affectionate and dedicate a few hours of your day off to your partner. Going on dates is a great way to spend some quality time together, even if you're already parents. During the holiday season, it can be stressful and challenging, especially this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Here are 10 tips to help you cope and maintain a positive attitude during this time. If you're looking for date night ideas that maintain social distancing or are approved for quarantine, here are 20 creative and fun activities you can do with your partner without leaving home. These activities should increase your connection, communication, affection and even your creativity. Practicing self-care and good mental well-being in times of great stress or crisis is essential to coping.

Studies have found that couples who touch each other more tend to be happier. From back massages to gentle stroking, holding hands and hugging, the more intimate contact couples have with each other, the more satisfied they tend to be with their relationships. If you and your partner have a difference when it comes to expressing your affection or if your partner can't show affection and that has a negative impact on your relationship, then you can consider professional services for couples. Saving a relationship or marriage from lack of affection takes work; thankfully, this isn't something you or your partner have to go through alone.

You can also increase affection or even attend couples therapy sessions together if you're in a relationship where you need to deal with a lack of spark. One of the most common topics on which I work with couples in my relationship coaching practice is the reconstruction of affection in their relationship. Death in a relationship or marriage due to lack of affection is very common; at the very least, lack of affection certainly contributes to the demise of a healthy relationship. If you are the partner who has difficulty showing affection, reflect on the reasons that could be causing this.